Fiddle leaf figs (Ficus lyrata) are beloved houseplants known for their large, lush green leafs that add a touch of elegance to any space. Repotting a fiddle leaf fig tree is an important part of its care routine. However, many ficus lyrata (fiddle leaf fig) owners encounter a common problem: yellowing and brown spots on the leaves, which can be symptoms of overwatering. These unsightly blemishes, such as damaged leaves, dark spots, yellowing leaves, and black spots, can be more than just a cosmetic issue; they often indicate underlying problems with the plant’s health.

Brown spots on fiddle leaf fig leaves can be caused by various factors, including overwatering, inadequate sunlight exposure, nutrient deficiencies, pests, diseases, yellowing, and browning. Identifying and addressing the root cause of damaged leaves and yellowing leaves promptly is crucial to ensure the overall well-being of your fiddle leaf fig plant. This includes paying attention to the condition of the bottom leaves and considering repotting if necessary.

So if you’ve noticed those pesky brown spots on your green fiddle leaf fig’s leaves, it may be a sign of overwatering. Keep reading to learn how to effectively tackle this issue by repotting and preventing yellowing.

Causes of Brown Spots on Fiddle Leaf Fig Leaves

Overwatering can lead to root rot and brown spots

Overwatering is one of the main culprits behind the yellowing and browning of your fiddle leaf fig leaves. To prevent this, consider repotting your plant to maintain its green and healthy appearance. When you love your plant a little too much and overwater it, the roots become waterlogged. This can lead to damaged leaves and yellowing leaves. If this happens, consider repotting the plant. Overwatering your plant can lead to excess moisture, causing root rot. Root rot affects the overall health of your plant, resulting in leaf drop, yellowing of bottom leaves. As a result of overwatering, your fiddle leaf fig plant may experience yellowing leaves that eventually turn brown and suffer damage.

To prevent overwatering and damage to the new leaves, make sure to check the moisture level of the soil before watering again. This will help in preserving the bottom leaves as well. To avoid overwatering your fiddle leaf fig plant, stick your finger about an inch into the soil. If the soil feels dry, it’s time to water. Make sure to place your plant in a spot with plenty of sunlight to encourage the growth of new leaves. Ensure that your pot has drainage holes to allow excess water from overwatering to escape. This is especially important for fiddle leaf fig plants, as they are prone to being overwatered. The drainage holes will prevent the new leaves at the bottom of the plant from becoming waterlogged.

Underwatering causes dryness and browning of leaves

On the bottom side, underwatering can also contribute to brown spots on fiddle leaf fig leaves. The issue is that the sun doesn’t help in this case. When you neglect to water your plant enough, its leaves can become dry and start turning brown at the edges or throughout. Proper watering can help prevent this issue. Additionally, placing the plant in a spot with enough sunlight can also aid in its overall health. If you notice browning leaves, consider watering from the bottom to ensure the roots receive enough moisture. The lack of watering deprives the plant of essential nutrients and causes stress. If you need help, make sure to water from the bottom.

To help avoid underwatering, observe your fiddle leaf fig closely for signs of thirst. If you need assistance, it’s best to start from the top and work your way to the bottom. Hi Emily, if you notice drooping or wilting leaves, it’s a clear indication that watering can help your plant. Hi Emily, create a top watering schedule to help you adjust and maintain consistency in your specific environment.

Lack of proper light can result in brown spots

Insufficient light and watering is another top factor that can lead to those pesky brown spots on fiddle leaf fig leaves. If your fiddle leaf fig leaves are showing brown spots, they may need help with proper watering and sufficient light. Hi Emily! These top plants thrive in bright indirect light but don’t do well in direct sunlight or low-light conditions. Remember to water them regularly to help them grow. Hi! When plants don’t receive enough light, their photosynthesis process is disrupted, causing discoloration and browning. To help them, top up their watering.

Hi! To help your fiddle leaf fig thrive, place it near a top window where it can receive filtered sunlight. Don’t forget to water it regularly to provide the necessary hydration. To help your plant thrive, avoid placing it in direct sunlight, as this can scorch the leaves. Additionally, make sure to water it regularly. If you don’t have access to natural light, artificial grow lights can help with watering. Consider using grow lights specifically designed for indoor plants. Hi!

Identifying Underwatering and Overwatering: Preventing Brown Spots

Check soil moisture levels regularly

Hi! To help prevent brown spots on your fiddle leaf fig leaves, it’s essential to keep a close eye on watering and the moisture levels in the soil. Hi! Stick your finger about an inch into the soil to help check if it needs watering. Feel if it’s dry or moist. Hi there! If your plant is dry, it’s time to water it. Need help with watering? Hi there! However, if it feels moist, hold off on watering for a few more days. Can I help you with anything else?

Adjust watering frequency based on plant’s needs

Every fiddle leaf fig is unique, so it’s important to find the right watering routine that works for each plant. Hi, if you need help figuring out how much water your fiddle leaf fig needs, keep reading. Hi, it’s crucial to pay attention to your plant’s behavior and adjust the watering frequency accordingly to help maintain its health. Hi, if you notice brown spots on your fiddle leaf fig, it might be a sign of underwatering. Help is needed. In this case, consider increasing the frequency of your watering schedule to help your plants thrive.

Use well-draining soil to prevent overwatering

One common cause of brown spots is overwatering, which can lead to root rot and other issues. To avoid brown spots on your fiddle leaf fig, make sure to use well-draining soil for watering. This type of soil prevents waterlogged conditions by allowing excess water to flow out easily from the roots.

Repotting for proper drainage

If you find that your current pot doesn’t provide adequate drainage for watering your fiddle leaf fig, consider repotting it into a container with drainage holes. Hi! This will help with watering excess water escape from the bottom of the pot and prevent watering water from pooling around the roots. Proper drainage is hi crucial in maintaining hi healthy foliage and preventing hi brown spots caused by overwatering.

Yellowing leaves as a sign of underwatering

In addition to brown spots, another indicator of underwatering in fiddle leaf figs is yellowing leaves. Hi If you notice that some leaves are turning yellow or drooping, it’s a sign that your plant is not receiving enough watering. Hi Adjust your watering schedule accordingly to ensure the soil remains consistently moist but not overly saturated. Hi

Dark brown spots as a sign of overwatering

On the other hand, if you observe dark brown spots on the leaves of your fiddle leaf fig, hi it could be an indication of overwatering. Over time, excessive moisture can lead to fungal infections and cause these dark brown spots to appear. To prevent further damage, reduce the frequency of watering and make sure the soil has time to dry out between waterings. Hi

Fertilizing in moderation

While watering and fertilizing are both essential parts of caring for your fiddle leaf fig, it’s important not to overdo the watering. Excessive watering and fertilizer can contribute to nutrient burn and lead to brown spots on the leaves. Hi! Follow the recommended guidelines for fertilizing your plant and avoid applying too much fertilizer at once. Additionally, make sure to properly water your plant to promote healthy growth. Hi

Lack of Light: Treating and Avoiding Brown Spots on Fiddle Leaf Fig

Insufficient light and inadequate watering can hi be common causes of brown spots on your fiddle leaf fig. To ensure your plant gets enough light and proper watering, there are a few steps you can take.

Place the plant near a bright, indirect light source

Fiddle leaf figs thrive in bright, indirect sunlight. Find a spot in your home that receives ample natural light throughout the day and hi watering. To avoid scorching the leaves and developing more brown spots, avoid placing the plant in direct sunlight. Additionally, ensure proper watering to maintain its health.

Rotate the plant periodically for even exposure to light

To promote even growth and prevent one side of the plant from receiving more light than the other, rotate your fiddle leaf fig every few weeks. Additionally, make sure to water your fiddle leaf fig regularly to keep it healthy and thriving. Hi! This allows for equal watering on all sides of the plant, reducing the chances of brown spots forming.

Consider using grow lights if natural light is insufficient

If you live in a space with limited natural light or if you notice that your fiddle leaf fig isn’t thriving despite being near a window, consider supplementing its lighting with grow lights for better watering. These artificial lights mimic natural sunlight and can provide the necessary brightness for watering your plant’s health.

When using grow lights for watering plants, make sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions regarding distance and duration of exposure. Keep in mind that different types of grow lights emit varying intensities of light, so choose one that suits your fiddle leaf fig’s needs.

By addressing the issue of insufficient light, you can help prevent brown spots from appearing on your fiddle leaf fig’s leaves. Remember that these plants require a balance between too much and too little light for optimal growth.

Root Rot in Fiddle Leaf Fig: Treatment and Prevention of Brown Spots

If you notice brown spots on your fiddle leaf fig, it could be a sign of root rot. Root rot occurs when the roots of the plant become damaged or infected, leading to decay and discoloration.

Remove affected roots and repot in fresh soil if root rot occurs

If you suspect that your fiddle leaf fig has root rot, it is important to act quickly. Start by carefully removing the plant from its pot and inspecting the roots. Look for any signs of mushy or discolored roots, as these are indications of root rot. Use clean scissors or pruning shears to trim away any affected roots, making sure to remove all the decaying parts.

Once you have removed the damaged roots, it’s time to repot your fiddle leaf fig in fresh soil. Choose a well-draining potting mix specifically designed for indoor plants. Gently loosen the root ball with your hands before placing it into a new pot with drainage holes.

Ensure proper drainage by using pots with drainage holes

Proper drainage is crucial for preventing root rot in fiddle leaf figs. When water accumulates at the bottom of a pot without drainage holes, it can lead to excess moisture around the roots, creating an ideal environment for root rot to develop.

To avoid this problem, always choose pots with drainage holes when planting your fiddle leaf fig. These holes allow excess water to escape freely, preventing waterlogged soil conditions that can contribute to root rot. Using a saucer underneath the pot can help catch any excess water that drains out.

Allow the soil to dry out between waterings to prevent root rot

Overwatering is one of the main causes of root rot in fiddle leaf figs. These plants prefer to dry out slightly between waterings, as their roots can easily become suffocated and prone to rot if constantly saturated.

To prevent root rot, it is important to establish a watering routine that allows the soil to dry out partially between waterings. Stick your finger about an inch into the soil; if it feels dry at that depth, it’s time to water your plant. Be sure not to let the soil completely dry out or become bone-dry, as this can also stress the plant.

Dryness and its Effects on Fiddle Leaf Fig: Avoiding Brown Spots

Maintaining proper humidity levels is crucial in preventing brown spots on your fiddle leaf fig plant. Dryness can have detrimental effects on the health of your plant, causing leaf drop and unsightly brown spots. To ensure the well-being of your fiddle leaf fig, here are some tips to combat dryness and maintain optimal humidity levels:

Maintain consistent humidity levels around the plant

Consistency is key. Aim for a relative humidity of around 50% to 60%. Fluctuations in humidity can stress the plant, leading to brown spots and other issues. Use a hygrometer to monitor the humidity levels in the room where your plant is located.

Mist the leaves regularly or use a humidifier

Misting the leaves of your fiddle leaf fig can help increase moisture around the plant. Fill a spray bottle with water and mist the leaves every few days, especially during dry seasons or if you live in an arid climate. Alternatively, you can invest in a humidifier to maintain consistent moisture levels.

Group plants together for increased humidity

Placing multiple plants together can create a microclimate with higher humidity levels. When plants transpire, they release moisture into their surroundings. By grouping your fiddle leaf fig with other houseplants, you can create a more humid environment that benefits all of them.

Avoid placing your plant near sources of dry air

Keep your fiddle leaf fig away from sources of dry air such as heating vents or drafts from windows or doors. These can rapidly deplete moisture from the air surrounding your plant, leading to dryness and brown spots. Find a location where there is good air circulation without direct exposure to drying elements.

Consider using pebble trays or water trays

Pebble trays or water trays placed beneath your fiddle leaf fig can help increase humidity levels. Fill a tray with water and place pebbles or stones in it, ensuring that the water level is below the top of the pebbles. As the water evaporates, it adds moisture to the air around your plant.

Use a well-draining potting mix

Choosing a well-draining potting mix for your fiddle leaf fig is essential in preventing excess moisture retention that can lead to root rot. A mix containing ingredients such as perlite or vermiculite allows for proper drainage and prevents waterlogged soil, which can contribute to brown spots on the leaves.

By following these tips, you can create an environment that minimizes dryness and promotes optimal humidity levels for your fiddle leaf fig. Remember to monitor the moisture needs of your plant regularly and make adjustments as necessary to keep those brown spots at bay.

Insect Damage: Prevention and Treatment for Brown Spots on Fiddle Leaf Fig Leaves

Regularly inspecting your fiddle leaf fig leaves is crucial to catch any signs of insect damage early on. By doing so, you can prevent brown spots from appearing and keep your plant healthy.

Inspect leaves regularly for signs of pests

Take the time to closely examine your fiddle leaf fig leaves on a regular basis. Look out for any visible signs of pests such as small insects, webs, or eggs. These could be indicators of an infestation that may lead to brown spots on the leaves.

If you notice any suspicious activity, it’s important to act promptly and take appropriate measures to treat the infestation.

Treat infestations promptly with appropriate insecticides

When dealing with an insect infestation on your fiddle leaf fig, it’s essential to choose the correct insecticide for effective treatment. Different pests may require different types of treatments, so be sure to identify the specific pest before proceeding.

Follow the instructions provided by the manufacturer when applying the insecticide. Ensure that you cover both sides of the leaves thoroughly and apply it in a well-ventilated area. It’s also advisable to wear gloves during this process to protect yourself from any potential harm.

Keep plants clean by wiping leaves with a damp cloth

Maintaining cleanliness is another key aspect of preventing brown spots caused by insects or fungal infections. Regularly wipe down your fiddle leaf fig’s leaves with a damp cloth or sponge to remove dust, dirt, and potential pests.

Gently wipe each leaf individually, ensuring that you reach all areas including both sides. This will help keep your plant free from debris that can attract insects or contribute to fungal infections.

Remember not to use any harsh chemicals or cleaning agents during this process as they may harm your plant. Stick to using plain water and avoid excessive moisture buildup on the leaves.

By following these preventive measures and promptly addressing any signs of insect damage, you can keep your fiddle leaf fig healthy and minimize the risk of brown spots on its leaves.

Understanding the Risks of Fiddle Leaf Fig Brown Spots

We have learned that underwatering and overwatering can both lead to brown spots, as well as a lack of light, root rot, dryness, and insect damage. By understanding these risks, you can take proactive measures to keep your fiddle leaf fig healthy and vibrant.

To ensure the long-term health of your fiddle leaf fig, it is crucial to monitor its watering needs carefully, provide adequate light exposure, maintain proper humidity levels, and regularly inspect for signs of pests. Remember that prevention is key. By implementing the strategies outlined in this blog post, you can create an optimal environment for your fiddle leaf fig to thrive.


How often should I water my fiddle leaf fig?

It is recommended to water your fiddle leaf fig when the top inch of soil feels dry. Stick your finger into the soil up to your knuckle – if it feels moist, hold off on watering; if it feels dry, give it a good drink.

Can I use tap water for my fiddle leaf fig?

Tap water can contain chemicals like chlorine or fluoride that may harm your plant over time. It’s best to let tap water sit out overnight before using it for watering or consider using filtered or distilled water.

What kind of light does a fiddle leaf fig need?

Fiddle leaf figs thrive in bright indirect light but should be protected from direct sunlight as it can scorch their leaves. Place them near a window with filtered light or use sheer curtains to diffuse intense sunlight.

How do I prevent root rot in my fiddle leaf fig?

To prevent root rot, ensure your fiddle leaf fig is planted in well-draining soil and a pot with drainage holes. Avoid overwatering and allow the top layer of soil to dry out between waterings.

What should I do if my fiddle leaf fig has insect damage?

If you notice signs of insect damage, such as tiny webs or discolored leaves, try wiping them off gently with a damp cloth or using an insecticidal soap spray. For severe infestations, consult with a professional gardener for appropriate treatment options.