If you’re a plant enthusiast looking to expand your collection without breaking the bank, fiddle leaf fig propagation is a technique worth exploring. By taking several cuttings from a ficus lyrata and encouraging new leaves and roots to grow, you can easily multiply your collection of these beautiful plants. By propagating your own ficus lyrata, you can enjoy the benefits of having multiple plants at no additional cost. You can propagate new leaves from several cuttings, allowing you to expand your collection effortlessly.

In this blog post, you will discover how to propagate Ficus lyrata, also known as fiddle leaf figs, using cuttings from an existing plant. By understanding the process of stem development, new leaves, and root growth, you can successfully propagate this popular houseplant. In this blog post, we will discuss the importance of using proper propagation soil for successful results when propagating a new plant from a mother plant. We will provide tips on how to ensure success by using the right soil, such as peat moss, which is beneficial for the roots of the new plant.

Whether you are a seasoned gardener or new to plant propagation, this tutorial will equip you with the knowledge and techniques needed to successfully propagate your own ficus plants. Get ready to embark on a journey of green thumb success as we explore the world of propagating fiddle leaf figs. Whether you’re an experienced indoor plant enthusiast or just starting out with a new plant, learning how to propagate your fiddle leaf fig can be a rewarding experience. By taking cuttings from the mother plant and nurturing them, you can grow new plants with healthy buds.

Methods of Fiddle Leaf Fig Propagation: Air Layering, Stem Cuttings, and Clippings

Air Layering as a Reliable Propagation Technique

Air layering is an effective method for plant propagation, especially for fiddle leaf figs. This technique involves creating a new plant by encouraging roots to grow on a branch using a propagation mix or propagation soil. This technique involves propagating new plants by encouraging leaf cutting roots to grow on fiddle leaf fig cuttings while they are still attached to the parent plant. To propagate plants through leaf cutting, choose a healthy stem with several leaves and make a small incision in the bark. This technique works well for fiddle leaf fig cuttings or even a single leaf. Apply rooting hormone to the fiddle leaf fig cuttings to encourage root growth, then wrap the wounded area with moist sphagnum moss or peat moss to help the plant establish roots. Finally, cover the moss with plastic wrap to create a humid environment.

  • Pros:

  • Allows you to create new plants without cutting off branches from the parent plant. By using fig cuttings, you can encourage the growth of roots and a single leaf, which will eventually develop into a new plant with its own trunk.

  • Provides a higher success rate compared to other propagation methods.

  • Results in well-established plants with developed root systems.

  • Cons:

  • Requires patience as it can take several months for roots to form.

  • Requires careful monitoring of moisture levels in the moss wrapping.

Stem Cuttings for Creating New Fiddle Leaf Fig Plants

Stem cuttings are another popular method for propagating fiddle leaf figs. This involves taking a cutting from the stem of the plant, making sure to include a few nodes where the roots will develop. Once the cutting is prepared, it can be placed in water or soil to encourage root growth. After the roots have formed, the cutting can be planted in a pot and cared for until it develops into a new tree with branches. With this technique, you will be taking a section of stem from the parent plant and encouraging it to develop roots and grow into a new plant. Select a healthy plant stem with single leaf and make clean cuts just below a node (where leaves emerge) using sharp pruning shears. Ensure that the cuts are made near the roots and avoid damaging any branches. Remove any lower leaves from the plant cutting and dip the cut end into rooting hormone before placing it in moist soil or water. This will help the roots to develop and eventually grow into a single leaf tree.

  • Pros:

  • Relatively easy and straightforward method that yields good results.

  • Allows you to create multiple plants from one parent plant.

  • Can be done at any time of year but tends to have higher success rates during spring and summer.

  • Cons:

  • Success rates may vary depending on environmental conditions and care provided.

  • It may take several weeks for a plant’s roots to develop and new growth to appear on the tree.

Utilizing Clippings in Fiddle Leaf Fig Propagation

Clippings, also known as leaf cuttings, can be used to propagate fiddle leaf figs. This method involves taking a single leaf or individual leaves from the parent plant and encouraging them to produce roots. Choose healthy leaves and make clean cuts close to the stem of the plant using a sharp knife or scissors. Place the cut end of the plant leaf in water or moist soil, ensuring that at least half of the leaf and its roots are submerged. Thanks for following these steps!

  • Pros:

  • Allows you to propagate fiddle leaf figs even if you don’t have access to stems or branches. Thanks to the plant’s ability to grow new roots in water.

  • Thanks to its ability to propagate small quantities, this plant can be grown from just a single leaf. Its roots absorb water, making it a low-maintenance option.

  • Provides an opportunity to experiment with different plant varieties by propagating specific leaves. This method allows the plant to develop new roots and absorb water, thanks to the process of propagation.

  • Cons:

  • Success rates can be lower compared to other propagation methods.

  • Thanks for your interest in our plant care tips! When it comes to caring for plants, patience is key. It may take longer for roots to establish and new growth to appear, but with regular watering, you’ll see progress.

Reviewing the Three Methods of Fiddle Leaf Fig Propagation

Pros and Cons of Air Layering, Stem Cuttings, and Clippings

You have three main options for propagating plants: air layering, stem cuttings, and clippings. Each method involves taking a part of the plant, such as a stem or a clipping with roots, and providing it with water to encourage growth. Thanks to these techniques, you can easily multiply your plant collection. Each method has its own set of pros and cons that you should consider before deciding which one is best for you.

Air Layering:

Air layering involves creating a new plant by encouraging roots to grow on a branch while it is still attached to the parent plant. This method offers several advantages:

  • High success rate: Air layering has a high success rate compared to other propagation methods.

  • Quick results: You can expect to see roots forming within a few weeks or months.

  • Larger plants: Since air layering allows you to propagate from larger branches, you can start with a more mature plant right away.

However, there are also some drawbacks to air layering:

  • Time-consuming process: It requires patience as it takes longer for roots to develop compared to other methods.

  • Requires expertise: Air layering can be more challenging for beginners due to the precise techniques involved.

  • Limited number of new plants per parent tree: With air layering, you can only create a few new plants from each parent tree.

Stem Cuttings:

Taking stem cuttings from your fiddle leaf fig plant and encouraging them to root in water or soil is a great way to propagate new plants. Thanks for reading! Here are the pros and cons of using this method:

  • Easy process: Stem cuttings are relatively easy for beginners as they require minimal equipment and expertise.

  • Multiple plants from one cutting: You can create multiple new plants from just one healthy stem cutting.

  • Faster results than air layering: Root development typically occurs within a few weeks.

On the flip side, there are some challenges associated with stem cuttings:

  • Lower success rate: Stem cuttings may have a lower success rate compared to air layering.

  • Requires proper care and attention: You need to provide the right conditions, such as adequate humidity and moisture, for successful rooting.

  • Potential for disease or rot: If the cutting is not properly cared for, it can be susceptible to disease or rot.


Clippings involve taking smaller sections of leaves with a small piece of stem attached and rooting them in water. Here’s what you need to know about this method:

  • Easy and accessible: Clippings are the simplest way to propagate your fiddle leaf fig, making it great for beginners.

  • Cost-effective: Since clippings require minimal resources, it’s an affordable option for propagation.

  • Quick results: With the right conditions, roots can develop within a few weeks.

However, there are some limitations to consider when using clippings:

  • Limited success rate: Clippings may have a lower success rate compared to other methods due to their smaller size.

  • Smaller plant size initially: The new plants from clippings will start off smaller compared to those propagated through other methods.

Choosing the Best Method for You

When deciding which method of fiddle leaf fig propagation is best suited for you, consider factors such as time, effort, resources required, and your personal preferences.

If you’re looking for a higher success rate and don’t mind investing more time and effort into the process, air layering might be the way to go. On the other hand, if you’re a beginner or prefer a quicker process with multiple new plants from one cutting, stem cuttings could be your best bet. And if simplicity and cost-effectiveness are your priorities, clippings may be the ideal choice.

Step-by-Step Guide: Successful Fiddle Leaf Fig Propagation with Pictures

To successfully propagate your own fiddle leaf fig plants, follow this detailed step-by-step guide. Visualize each stage of the propagation process through helpful pictures and get practical tips for optimal results.

Timing, Tools, and Techniques for Optimal Results

Timing is crucial. The best time to propagate your plant is during the spring or early summer when it’s actively growing. This ensures that the cutting has enough energy to develop roots and sustain itself.

Here are some tools you’ll need for successful propagation:

  • Sharp pruning shears or a clean knife to cut a healthy stem.

  • A clean container filled with well-draining soil mix, such as a combination of peat moss and perlite, is essential for growing healthy plants that require adequate water.

  • Rooting hormone powder or gel to encourage root growth.

  • A clear plastic bag or a propagation dome to create a humid environment.

Step-by-Step Instructions for Fiddle Leaf Fig Propagation

  1. Select a healthy stem: Choose a stem that is at least 6 inches long with several leaves. Make sure it’s free from any diseases or pests.

  2. Prepare the cutting: Using sharp pruning shears or a clean knife, make a clean cut just below a node (the point where leaves emerge). Remove any lower leaves, leaving only two or three at the top.

  3. Apply rooting hormone: Dip the cut end of the stem into rooting hormone powder or gel to promote root development.

  4. Plant the cutting: Fill a clean container with well-draining soil mix and create a small hole in the center using your finger or pencil. Gently insert the cutting into the hole, making sure it stands upright.

  5. Create humidity: Place a clear plastic bag over the container or use a propagation dome to create a humid environment around the cutting. This helps retain moisture and encourages root growth.

  6. Provide bright, indirect light: Place the container in a location with bright, indirect light. Avoid direct sunlight as it can scorch the delicate leaves of the cutting.

  7. Watering: Keep the soil slightly moist but not overly wet. Overwatering can lead to root rot, while underwatering can hinder root development. Check the soil regularly and water when it feels dry to the touch.

  8. Monitor progress: After a few weeks, you should start to see new growth emerging from the cutting. This indicates that roots are forming successfully.

  9. Transplanting: Once your cutting has developed a good root system and several new leaves, it’s time to transplant it into a larger pot with regular potting soil.

By following these step-by-step instructions and providing proper care, you’ll have successful fiddle leaf fig propagation in no time!

Potting Up Your Fiddle Leaf Fig Cutting: Essential Steps

To successfully pot up your newly propagated fiddle leaf fig cutting, there are several essential steps you need to follow. These steps will ensure proper growth and development of your indoor plant.

Proper Soil Selection and Preparation

Choosing the right soil for your fiddle leaf fig cutting is crucial for its rooting process and root development. Opt for a well-draining soil mix that retains moisture without becoming waterlogged. A combination of peat moss and sphagnum moss can be an excellent choice as it provides good aeration and moisture retention.

Here are some key considerations when preparing the soil:

  • Mix equal parts of peat moss, sphagnum moss, and perlite or vermiculite to create a well-balanced soil mixture.

  • Avoid using garden soil alone, as it may not provide adequate drainage for your cutting.

  • Ensure the soil mixture is thoroughly moistened before potting up your cutting.

Choosing a Suitable Pot or Container

Selecting the right pot or container is essential for the successful growth of your fiddle leaf fig cutting. Here’s what you should keep in mind:

  • Choose a pot that is slightly larger than the root system of your cutting to allow room for growth.

  • Opt for a plastic pot with drainage holes at the bottom to prevent waterlogging.

  • Consider using a clear plastic bag as a makeshift greenhouse by placing it over the potted cutting to create a humid environment.

Watering and Care Techniques

Proper watering techniques are vital to promote healthy root development in your fiddle leaf fig cutting. Follow these guidelines:

  • Use tap water that has been left out overnight to allow chlorine evaporation before watering your plant.

  • Water your cutting thoroughly until excess water drains from the bottom of the pot.

  • Allow the top inch of soil to dry out slightly between each watering session.

  • Avoid overwatering, as it can lead to root rot and brown spots on the leaves.

Additional Tips

To ensure the successful potting up of your fiddle leaf fig cutting, consider these additional tips:

  • Place your potted cutting in a bright location with indirect sunlight.

  • Avoid exposing your cutting to extreme temperatures or drafts.

  • Mist the leaves regularly to increase humidity around the plant.

  • Monitor the growth of your cutting and repot into a larger container when necessary.

Remember, patience is key. It may take several weeks or even months for roots to develop and for new growth to emerge. With proper care and attention, you’ll soon have a beautiful, thriving fiddle leaf fig plant in your home.

Obtaining More Fiddle Leaf Fig Plants for Free: Propagating Clippings

Propagating Fiddle Leaf Fig Clippings

One way to expand your collection of fiddle leaf fig plants without spending a dime is by propagating clippings from your existing mother plant. This method allows you to create new plants from cuttings, giving you more opportunities to enjoy the beauty of these popular fig trees.

Identifying Suitable Clippings and Preparing for Propagation

To successfully propagate fiddle leaf fig clippings, it’s important to choose healthy stems with new growth. Look for stems that have at least two sets of leaves and are around six inches long. Make sure the leaves are in good condition, without any signs of disease or damage.

Once you’ve identified suitable clippings, it’s time to prepare them for propagation. Remove any lower leaves from the stem, leaving only the top few sets intact. This will allow the cutting to focus its energy on developing new roots rather than sustaining unnecessary foliage.

Next, dip the bottom end of the clipping in rooting hormone powder or gel. This helps stimulate root growth and increases the chances of successful propagation. Gently tap off any excess hormone before planting the cutting.

Tips and Tricks for Maximizing Success Rates

To maximize success rates when propagating fiddle leaf fig clippings, there are a few tips and tricks you can follow:

  1. Use a well-draining potting mix: Fiddle leaf figs prefer soil that drains well, so choose a potting mix specifically designed for houseplants or succulents.

  2. Provide optimal growing conditions: Place your newly propagated cuttings in a warm and humid environment with bright indirect light. Avoid direct sunlight as it can scorch the delicate new leaves.

  3. Mist regularly: Fiddle leaf figs love humidity, so misting the leaves daily or placing a tray of water near the plants can help create a more favorable environment for growth.

  4. Be patient: It takes time for new roots to develop, so be patient and resist the urge to overwater or disturb the cuttings too soon. Once you start seeing new leaf growth, it’s a sign that your cutting has successfully rooted.

  5. Consider using a propagation box: A propagation box is a mini greenhouse that helps maintain high humidity levels around the cuttings, promoting faster root development. You can easily make one using a clear plastic container or repurposed aquarium.

By following these tips and tricks, you’ll increase your chances of successfully propagating fiddle leaf fig clippings and obtaining more plants for free.

How to Properly Cut a Fiddle Leaf Fig Tree: Tips and Techniques

To successfully propagate your fiddle leaf fig tree, it’s crucial to learn the proper cutting techniques. By understanding where and how to make clean cuts on the tree, you can promote healthy regrowth and avoid common mistakes that hinder successful propagation.

Clean Cuts for Successful Propagation

Precision is key. Follow these tips for making clean cuts:

  1. Choose the right tools: Use sharp pruning shears or a clean knife to ensure a smooth cut without causing unnecessary damage to the plant.

  2. Identify the right spot: Look for areas on your fiddle leaf fig tree where there are multiple leaves growing from one stem. This is an ideal spot for making a cutting.

  3. Make a 45-degree angle cut: Position your pruning shears or knife at a 45-degree angle and make a clean cut just below a node (the point where leaves emerge). This will encourage new growth from that point.

  4. Remove excess foliage: Trim off any excess leaves from the lower part of the cutting, leaving only two or three leaves at the top. This helps reduce water loss through transpiration and directs energy towards root development.

Promoting Healthy Regrowth

After making successful cuts on your fiddle leaf fig tree, follow these care tips to promote healthy regrowth:

  1. Provide optimal conditions: Place your cutting in a well-lit area away from direct sunlight, as excessive heat can cause stress and hinder growth. Maintain consistent humidity levels by misting the leaves regularly or using a humidifier nearby.

  2. Use rooting hormone (optional): Applying rooting hormone powder or gel to the cut end of your fiddle leaf fig cutting can enhance root development and increase chances of success during propagation.

  3. Water carefully: Keep the soil slightly moist but not overly saturated. Overwatering can lead to root rot, while underwatering can cause the cutting to dry out. Strike a balance by watering moderately and monitoring soil moisture levels.

  4. Be patient: Root development takes time, so be patient with your fiddle leaf fig cutting. It may take several weeks or even months for roots to form. Keep an eye on the cutting’s progress and adjust care as needed.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

To ensure successful propagation of your fiddle leaf fig tree, steer clear of these common mistakes:

  1. Taking too large of a cutting: While it may be tempting to take a large cutting for faster growth, it can actually hinder root development and increase the risk of failure. Stick to smaller cuttings with two or three leaves for better success rates.

  2. Using contaminated tools: Always sanitize your pruning shears or knife before making cuts to prevent the spread of diseases or pests that could harm your fiddle leaf fig tree.

  3. Neglecting proper care: Consistent care is essential for the success of your fiddle leaf fig cutting. Avoid neglecting watering, light exposure, and humidity levels, as these factors directly impact its ability to grow roots and thrive.

By following these tips and techniques for cutting and caring for your fiddle leaf fig tree, you can increase your chances of successful propagation and enjoy more beautiful plants in your home or garden.

Mastering Fiddle Leaf Fig Propagation

In this comprehensive guide, we have explored various methods of fiddle leaf fig propagation, including air layering, stem cuttings, and clippings. We reviewed each method in detail and provided a step-by-step guide with pictures to ensure successful propagation. We discussed the essential steps for potting up your fiddle leaf fig cutting and obtaining more plants for free through propagating clippings. To help you master the art of cutting a fiddle leaf fig tree properly, we shared valuable tips and techniques.

Now armed with the knowledge and techniques presented here, you can confidently propagate your own fiddle leaf figs and expand your collection. Remember to be patient throughout the process as it may take some time for your cuttings to root and grow into healthy plants. With practice and attention to detail, you can become an expert at fiddle leaf fig propagation.


How long does it take for a fiddle leaf fig cutting to root?

On average, it takes about 4-6 weeks for a fiddle leaf fig cutting to develop roots. However, this can vary depending on factors such as temperature, humidity levels, and the health of the cutting itself.

Can I propagate a fiddle leaf fig from just one leaf?

While it is possible to propagate a fiddle leaf fig from just one leaf, it is generally more successful to use stem cuttings that include at least two or three leaves along with a node.

What is the best time of year to propagate a fiddle leaf fig?

Springtime is considered the best season for propagating fiddle leaf figs because it provides optimal conditions for new growth and root development.

Do I need rooting hormone when propagating my fiddle leaf fig?

Using rooting hormone can increase the chances of successful propagation by stimulating root growth. It is recommended to use a rooting hormone specifically formulated for woody plants.

How often should I water my fiddle leaf fig cuttings during propagation?

It’s important to keep the soil slightly moist but not overly saturated when propagating fiddle leaf fig cuttings. Water them whenever the top inch of soil feels dry, usually every 7-10 days.