Fig varieties offer a wide range of flavors and textures, making them a delicious and versatile fruit enjoyed by many. One unique fact about figs is that they have colored flesh. Additionally, figs are a crop that can be grown and harvested. However, it’s important to note that figs are susceptible to fungi. Exploring different fig varieties can be a delightful culinary adventure, as each type has its own unique characteristics. From the crop figs with their colored flesh to the various fungi that can affect their ripening period, there is much to discover in the world of figs. From the dark purple Mission figs to the sweet and delicate Adriatic figs, there is a wide variety of fruit characteristics and colored flesh for every palate to enjoy. Whether you’re looking to add a new crop to your garden or want to learn about the different types of figs that can be affected by fungi, there is something for everyone. Fig trees, known for their fruit characteristics, have been cultivated in forests using permaculture techniques for thousands of years. These trees not only provide food but also offer shade in various regions around the world. The practice of crop figs has been an integral part of sustainable farming methods. The taste of figs can vary greatly depending on their fruit characteristics, with some varieties being more intensely sweet while others have a subtle nutty flavor. Additionally, figs have a ripening period that determines when they are ready to be harvested as a crop. Whether you’re a seasoned fig enthusiast or new to this delectable fruit, trying different fig varieties is an excellent way to appreciate the unique facts, ripening period, and colored flesh of crop figs.

Best Tasting Fig Varieties

There are several fruit varieties that stand out for their unique flavor profiles and colored flesh characteristics. These exceptional facts make them a favorite among fig growers. Let’s take a closer look at some of these delicious fig varieties and their unique fruit characteristics. From the sweet and juicy flesh to the crunchy seeds, figs offer a delightful combination of textures. Did you know that figs are actually inverted flowers? This interesting fact sets them apart from other fruits. Another fascinating feature is that figs can be used to make refreshing ice treats, perfect for hot summer days. So, whether you’re interested in learning more about their pollinator posts or simply want to enjoy their delicious taste, figs are definitely worth exploring.

Black Mission

Black Mission figs are one of the most popular and widely available fig varieties known for their unique fruit characteristics. These figs have been logged for years by pollinator posts. These dark purple skinned fig fruits have a rich, sweet flavor with hints of berry and honey. They are popular among fig growers in the north. Their soft, creamy texture and unique fruit characteristics make skinned figs perfect for eating fresh or using in desserts like tarts or jams. With their distinct flavor profiles that develop over the years, skinned figs offer a delightful experience for any food lover.

Brown Turkey

Another well-known variety in the north is the Brown Turkey fig. These medium-sized figs have a milder sweetness compared to Black Mission figs but are still incredibly flavorful. Over the years, many pollinator posts have logged the popularity of this fig. They have a slightly nutty taste and a tender flesh that pairs well with both sweet and savory dishes. The skinned fig, with its unique flavor profiles, is a popular choice among food enthusiasts. In our pollinator posts, we often discuss the importance of figs in the north.


Kadota figs, logged for their greenish-yellow skin and amber-colored flesh, have been popular in the north for years. The skinned figs, a favorite among pollinators, have a unique honey-like sweetness and a delicate texture that melts in your mouth. These figs have been grown in this location for years. Kadota figs are often enjoyed fresh or used in recipes that highlight their natural sweetness. Over the years, many people have logged their love for these figs.


Adriatic figs, also known as White Kadota, have been highly regarded for their sweet flavor and delicate texture for many years. These pale green to yellowish-green figs have a smooth skin and an almost translucent interior. They have been cultivated for years and are known for their unique color and texture. They offer a mild sweetness reminiscent of honey with subtle floral undertones, making skinned figs a delightful treat for years.


Celeste figs, also known as Sugar Fig or Honey Fig, have been cherished for their honey-like sweetness and rich flavor profile for years. These small to medium-sized figs have a deep purple color when ripe and offer a luscious, melt-in-your-mouth experience. Celeste figs are often enjoyed fresh or used in desserts due to their incredible taste.

Desert King

Desert King figs are praised for their juicy, succulent flesh and sweet taste. With light green skin turning golden when fully ripe, these figs offer a delightful balance of sweetness and acidity. Skinned figs are excellent for eating fresh or incorporating into salads and other savory dishes.

LSU Purple

LSU Purple figs are favored for their robust flavor with hints of berry notes. These medium to large-sized figs have a dark purple skin and a vibrant red interior. Skinned figs have a slightly tart taste that complements their natural sweetness, making them perfect for both sweet and savory preparations.

Violette de Bordeaux

Violette de Bordeaux is a small but flavorful variety that is often considered one of the best-tasting figs. These dark purple figs have a rich, complex flavor with notes of honey, raspberry, and plum.

Factors to Consider When Choosing a Fig Variety

There are several factors that need to be taken into consideration. Let’s dive in and explore these factors in more detail.

Climate Plays a Crucial Role

The climate of your region is an essential factor when choosing a fig variety. Different varieties thrive in different climates, so it’s important to select one that will flourish in your specific area. Some fig trees prefer warm and dry climates, while others can tolerate colder temperatures. Research the climate requirements of each variety before making your decision.

Consider Ripening Time

Another crucial aspect to consider is the desired ripening time of the figs. Each variety has its own specific ripening season, ranging from early summer to late fall. If you have a preference for enjoying fresh figs during a particular time of year, make sure to choose a variety that ripens during that season. This way, you can ensure a bountiful harvest when you’re craving those delicious fruits.

Size Preferences Matter

Size does matter. Some produce larger fruits compared to others, so consider your size preferences before making a choice. If you enjoy big and juicy figs, opt for varieties known for their larger fruit size. On the other hand, if you prefer smaller-sized figs or plan on using them for cooking or preserves, look for varieties with smaller fruit sizes.

Disease Resistance is Key

Disease resistance should not be overlooked when selecting a suitable fig variety for your garden or orchard. Certain varieties exhibit better resistance against common diseases such as leaf spot or rust. By choosing disease-resistant varieties, you can minimize the risk of your trees getting infected and increase their overall health and productivity.

Pollination Requirements Vary

Pollination plays an important role in the production of figs. While some varieties are self-pollinating (meaning they can produce fruit without cross-pollination), others require cross-pollination to bear figs. If you’re interested in having multiple fig varieties and encouraging cross-pollination, make sure to choose compatible varieties that can pollinate each other. This will ensure a higher yield of delicious figs.

Consider Growth Habit

The growth habit of a fig tree is another factor to consider based on the available space in your garden or orchard. Some varieties have a compact growth habit, making them suitable for smaller spaces or container gardening. Others may grow into larger trees with spreading branches, requiring more room to accommodate their size. Assess the available space and choose a variety that fits well within those parameters.

Different Flavors and Textures of Fig Varieties

There is a whole world of flavors and textures to explore. These delightful fruits come in various varieties, each with its own unique characteristics. From honey-like sweetness to robust berry notes, figs offer a range of flavors that can satisfy any palate. They also differ in terms of their textures, with some having tender flesh while others boast a juicy consistency.

Fig Varieties: A Diverse Crop

Fig varieties are abundant, and each one has something special to offer. Let’s take a closer look at the different types of figs and what sets them apart:

Mission Fig: A Rich Delight

The Mission fig is one of the most popular varieties known for its deep purple or black skin and luscious pinkish flesh. It has a sweet flavor with hints of berry notes, making it an excellent choice for both eating fresh or using in various culinary creations. The Mission fig is versatile and often used in desserts like tarts or jams.

Brown Turkey: A Classic Favorite

Another beloved variety is the Brown Turkey fig. With its brownish-purple skin and reddish-pink flesh, it offers a milder sweetness compared to the Mission fig but still possesses an enjoyable flavor profile. This variety is often enjoyed fresh or used in salads due to its pleasant taste and appealing texture.

Green Ischia: A Refreshing Option

For those who prefer a lighter taste, the Green Ischia fig might be the perfect choice. This variety features bright green skin and sweet amber-colored flesh that provides a refreshing burst of flavor reminiscent of melons. Its unique combination of colors makes it an attractive addition to fruit salads or as a topping for yogurt.

Fruit Characteristics: Flavorful Facts

Each variety brings forth its own set of characteristics when it comes to both flavor and texture:

  • Sweetness Spectrum: Figs span a spectrum of sweetness, with some leaning towards a honey-like sweetness and others offering a more subtle, delicate taste.

  • Berry Notes: Certain fig varieties exhibit robust berry notes in their flavor profile, adding depth and complexity to the overall taste experience.

  • Tender Flesh: Some figs have tender flesh that practically melts in your mouth, providing a delightful texture that is smooth and velvety.

  • Juicy Consistency: On the other hand, certain fig varieties are known for their juicy consistency, giving you a burst of succulent flavors with every bite.

Fig Flavor Profiles

Fig lovers rejoice!There is a wide range of flavors to explore. Each variety has its own unique flavor profile, offering a delightful experience for your taste buds. Let’s dive into the different flavors that various fig varieties have to offer.

Black Mission Figs: Rich and Sweet Fruit Characteristics with a Hint of Berry and Colored Flesh

Black Mission figs are known for their rich and sweet fruit characteristics. They have a hint of berry flavor and their flesh is colored. These figs are packed with natural sugar, making them a delicious and healthy snack. When you bite into a Black Mission fig, you’ll be transported to a forest floor, where the flavors are deep and earthy.

Black Mission figs are renowned for their rich and sweet flavor with a hint of berry. These dark purple figs have a luscious sweetness that is balanced by subtle notes of tartness. With their deep, complex flavor, Black Mission figs are often described as having a jam-like quality. They make an excellent addition to both sweet and savory dishes, adding a burst of natural sweetness.

Brown Turkey Figs: A Perfect Balance of Sweetness and Nuttiness with Fruit Characteristics

Brown Turkey figs are known for their unique fruit characteristics. These figs have a perfect balance of sweetness and nuttiness, making them a favorite among fruit enthusiasts. One of the standout features of these figs is their colored flesh, which adds to their appeal. The berry flavors are also a delight to the taste buds. Additionally, these figs are loved by birds, making them a popular choice for birdwatchers. Overall, Brown Turkey fig

If you’re looking for a fig variety that offers a balanced combination of sweetness and nuttiness, Brown Turkey figs are an ideal choice. These medium-sized figs have a reddish-brown skin and soft flesh. When ripe, they offer a honey-like sweetness with hints of caramel and vanilla. The nutty undertones add depth to the overall flavor profile, making Brown Turkey figs incredibly versatile in both cooking and snacking.

Kadota Figs: Fruit Characteristics with Colored Flesh and Mature Trees

Kadota figs are known for their mild honey-like taste, which is accompanied by subtle floral undertones. These figs have unique fruit characteristics, including colored flesh. They thrive on mature trees and benefit from pollinator posts.

Kadota figs have a distinct flavor that sets them apart from other varieties. These green-skinned beauties boast a milder taste compared to some other types of figs. Kadota figs have a honey-like sweetness with subtle floral undertones that add an extra layer of complexity to their flavor profile. Their delicate taste makes them perfect for enjoying fresh or incorporating into salads or desserts.

Adriatic Figs: Delicate Honeyed Flavor with Less Intensity

Adriatic figs provide a unique eating experience with their delicate, honeyed flavor. Unlike some of the bolder fig varieties, Adriatic figs have a milder taste that is less intense. They possess a gentle sweetness that is complemented by subtle hints of citrus and melon. If you prefer a fig variety that offers a more nuanced flavor profile, Adriatic figs are an excellent choice.

Celeste Figs: Sweet and Sugary with Caramel Undertones

For those who crave a sweet treat, Celeste figs deliver with their sugary taste reminiscent of caramel or butterscotch. These small to medium-sized figs have a light brown to purple skin and a tender flesh. When fully ripened, they offer an irresistible sweetness that will satisfy any sweet tooth.

Commonly Found Fig Varieties and Their Pros and Cons

Now, let’s take a closer look at some commonly found fig varieties and explore their unique characteristics. Three popular fig varieties that you might come across are the Black Mission, Brown Turkey, and Kadota.

Black Mission Figs

Black Mission figs are known for their deep purple or black skin and sweet, rich flavor. These figs have a soft texture with a luscious interior that is almost jam-like. They are often enjoyed fresh but can also be dried or used in cooking and baking. One of the pros of Black Mission figs is their versatility in culinary applications. However, they do have one drawback – they are susceptible to diseases such as root knot nematodes.


  • Sweet, rich flavor

  • Versatile in culinary applications


  • Susceptible to diseases like root knot nematodes

Brown Turkey Figs

Brown Turkey figs have a purplish-brown skin with a milder flavor compared to Black Mission figs. They are slightly less sweet but still offer a delightful taste experience. These figs have a firmer texture and can be enjoyed fresh or used in various recipes including salads, desserts, or even stuffed with cheese! One advantage of Brown Turkey figs is their resistance to certain diseases like rust. However, they do tend to produce fewer main crop fruit compared to other varieties.


  • Milder flavor

  • Firm texture

  • Resistance to certain diseases like rust


  • Fewer main crop fruit production

Kadota Figs

Kadota figs stand out with their light green skin and creamy amber flesh. They have a subtly sweet flavor that pairs well with both savory and sweet dishes. These figs are often used in preserves or enjoyed fresh when fully ripe. The advantage of Kadota figs lies in their ability to produce two main crops per year, making them a popular choice for home gardeners. However, they are more prone to splitting when ripe, which can be a downside.


  • Subtly sweet flavor

  • Two main crop fruit production per year


  • Prone to splitting when ripe

Other Fig Varieties

In addition to the aforementioned varieties, there are many other fig cultivars available that offer unique flavors and characteristics. Some of these include the Celeste fig with its small size and honey-like taste, the Calimyrna fig with its nutty flavor and golden skin, and the Brunswick fig known for its large size and juicy texture.

Varietal Characteristics for High-Quality Figs in Different Climates

The climate plays a crucial role in determining the success of cultivation. Different fig varieties have varying characteristics that make them suitable for specific climates. Let’s explore some key considerations when selecting the best tasting figs for different climatic conditions.

Thriving in Mediterranean Climates

Certain fig varieties excel in Mediterranean climates due to their ability to withstand heat and drought conditions. These regions are characterized by long, hot summers and mild winters. If you live in such an area, consider these factors when choosing a fig cultivar:

  • Heat tolerance: Look for varieties known for their resilience to high temperatures.

  • Drought resistance: Select fig types that can endure prolonged periods without excessive watering.

  • Sun exposure: Ensure your chosen variety can thrive under full sun conditions.

Some popular Mediterranean fig cultivars include ‘Black Mission,’ ‘Brown Turkey,’ and ‘Kadota.’ These varieties are known for their sweet flavor profiles and adaptability to the region’s climate.

Cold-Hardy Fig Varieties for Cooler Climates

In cooler climates, it is essential to select cold-hardy fig varieties that can withstand low temperatures and shorter growing seasons. Consider these factors when choosing a suitable cultivar:

  • Cold hardiness: Opt for fig types that are specifically bred or selected for their ability to tolerate frost and freezing temperatures.

  • Early climate preferences: Some varieties prefer cooler springtime temperatures during bud break but can still thrive during warmer summer months.

  • Midseason climate preferences: Other cultivars may require consistent warmth throughout the growing season.

Popular cold-hardy fig cultivars include ‘Chicago Hardy,’ ‘Celeste,’ and ‘Brunswick.’ These varieties have shown resilience against colder climates while still producing delicious fruits.

Pests and Disease Resistance

Pests and diseases can pose significant challenges to successful fig cultivation. Different regions may have specific pests and diseases that are prevalent. When selecting a fig variety, consider its resistance to common issues in your area:

  • Pest resistance: Some fig cultivars exhibit natural resistance to common pests like nematodes or aphids.

  • Disease resistance: Certain varieties have shown resilience against diseases such as root rot or leaf spot.

Consult with local nurseries or agricultural extension services to gather information on which fig varieties perform best against pests and diseases in your specific region. Their expertise can help you choose the most suitable cultivar for your climate.

Length of Growing Season

The length of the growing season is an important consideration when selecting fig varieties. Some cultivars require a longer period to ripen their fruits, while others can produce earlier in the season.

Tips for Fig Tree Care and Maintenance

Proper care is essential to ensure that your fig tree thrives and produces the best tasting figs. Here are some tips to help you with fig tree care and maintenance.

Provide Adequate Sunlight

Fig trees love sunlight, so it’s crucial to choose a sunny spot in your garden for planting. Make sure the area receives at least six hours of direct sunlight every day. This will promote healthy growth and maximize fruit production. If you live in a region with scorching summers, consider providing partial shade during the hottest part of the day to prevent leaf scorch.

Regular Watering

Watering is vital for fig trees, especially during dry spells or drought conditions. Young fig trees require more frequent watering compared to mature ones. Aim to keep the soil consistently moist but not waterlogged. To check if your tree needs watering, stick your finger about an inch into the soil; if it feels dry, it’s time to water. Deep watering once or twice a week should be sufficient for most climates.

Pruning During Dormancy Periods

Pruning is an essential aspect of fig tree care as it helps maintain its shape, promotes better airflow, and encourages fruit production. The best time to prune your fig tree is during its dormant period in late winter or early spring before new growth begins. Remove any dead or diseased branches, as well as those that cross or rub against each other.

Protect Against Frost Damage

Frost can be detrimental to fig trees, especially during colder months. If you live in an area prone to frost, take precautionary measures by covering your tree with a frost blanket or burlap sack when freezing temperatures are expected overnight. Mulching around the base of the tree can help insulate the roots and protect them from extreme cold.

Encourage Shoot Growth

To promote healthy shoot growth on your fig tree, consider applying a balanced fertilizer in early spring. This will provide the necessary nutrients for vigorous growth and fruit development. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for the appropriate amount and frequency of fertilizer application based on your tree’s age and size.

Pollinator Posts

Some fig varieties require pollination by a specific wasp to produce fruit. If you’re growing one of these varieties, it’s essential to have pollinator posts nearby to attract the wasps. These posts contain small holes where female wasps can lay their eggs, ensuring successful pollination of your fig tree. Consult with local nurseries or agricultural extension offices to determine if your fig variety requires pollinators.

Where to Buy Lesser-Known Varieties of Fig Trees

If you’re a fig enthusiast looking to expand your collection beyond the usual varieties found at local garden centers or supermarkets, you might be wondering where to find lesser-known fig tree options. Luckily, there are specialty nurseries and online retailers that cater to the needs of avid gardeners and offer a wide range of unique fig tree varieties. These sources often provide access to rare and exotic fig trees that can add an exciting twist to your garden or orchard.

Specialty Nurseries

Specialty nurseries are dedicated establishments that focus on providing a diverse selection of plants, including fig trees. These nurseries typically have knowledgeable staff who can guide you in choosing the best tasting figs for your specific preferences and growing conditions. Here’s why specialty nurseries can be a great option:

  • Wide Variety: Unlike regular garden centers, specialty nurseries tend to carry a broader range of fig tree varieties, including lesser-known ones. This allows you to explore different flavors, textures, and colors that may not be readily available elsewhere.

  • Expert Advice: The staff at specialty nurseries often possess extensive knowledge about different types of fig trees and their cultivation requirements. They can offer valuable insights into which varieties are best suited for your climate zone or specific growing conditions.

  • Quality Assurance: Specialty nurseries prioritize quality over quantity. They take pride in sourcing healthy and well-maintained fig trees from reputable growers, ensuring that you receive robust and thriving plants for your garden.

Online Retailers

In addition to physical stores, online retailers have become increasingly popular sources for purchasing lesser-known varieties of fig trees. Shopping online provides convenience and accessibility while offering an extensive selection of options from various sellers across the country or even internationally. Here are some advantages of buying from online retailers:

  • Wider Selection: Online platforms enable you to browse through an extensive catalog of fig tree varieties, often including rare and exotic options. You can explore different sellers and compare their offerings to find the perfect fig tree that suits your taste preferences.

  • Convenience: With online shopping, you can explore and purchase fig trees from the comfort of your own home. This eliminates the need for travel or visiting multiple nurseries in search of specific varieties.

  • Reviews and Ratings: Online retailers usually provide customer reviews and ratings for each product, allowing you to assess the quality and reliability of both the seller and the specific fig tree variety. This feedback can help you make informed decisions before making a purchase.

When buying from online retailers, it’s important to consider factors such as shipping costs, delivery times, and the reputation of the seller.


In conclusion, this blog post has explored the world of figs and provided valuable information on finding the best tasting varieties. By examining different flavors and textures, understanding varietal characteristics in different climates, and considering factors when choosing a fig variety, readers now have the knowledge to make informed decisions about their fig tree selection.

To ensure you enjoy the most delicious figs possible, it is important to consider your climate and growing conditions. Taking proper care of your fig tree through regular maintenance and following expert tips will help maximize its productivity. Remember that high-quality figs can often be found from lesser-known varieties, so don’t hesitate to explore local nurseries or online sources for unique options.

Now armed with a comprehensive understanding of various fig flavors and characteristics, you can confidently embark on your journey to find the perfect tasting figs for your palate. Happy gardening and may your future harvests be filled with delectable delights!


What are the best tasting figs?

There are a few varieties that stand out from the rest. Here are some top contenders that will surely satisfy your taste buds:

  1. Are Black Mission figs the best tasting variety?

Absolutely! Black Mission figs are known for their rich, sweet flavor and luscious texture. They have a deep purple skin and vibrant pink flesh that oozes with sweetness. These figs are a favorite among many fig enthusiasts.

  1. Can I find Kadota figs in local grocery stores?

Definitely! Kadota figs, also called honey figs, have a delicate and honey-like taste that makes them irresistible. You can easily find them in most local grocery stores during their peak season, which is typically from late summer to early fall.

  1. Do Calimyrna figs have a unique taste?

You bet! Calimyrna figs offer a distinct nutty flavor with hints of vanilla and butterscotch. Their golden skin and amber-colored flesh make them visually appealing too. If you’re looking for something different and delicious, Calimyrna figs won’t disappoint.

  1. Are Brown Turkey figs worth trying?

Absolutely! Brown Turkey figs are known for their sweet, jammy flavor and tender texture. They have a reddish-brown skin and pinkish-red flesh that’s packed with juiciness. These versatile fruits can be enjoyed fresh or used in various culinary creations.

  1. How about Adriatic or White Kadota figs?

Definitely worth a try! Adriatic or White Kadota figs have a milder flavor compared to other varieties, making them perfect for those who prefer less sweetness. With their pale green skin and pale pink flesh, they offer a refreshing taste that pairs well with both savory and sweet dishes.

No matter which variety you choose, exploring the world of figs is a delightful journey for your taste buds. Give them a try and discover your personal favorite!

Ready to indulge in the best tasting figs? Check out our selection of premium fig varieties and experience their mouthwatering flavors today!