When you notice your fiddle leaf fig plant’s leaves turning yellow, it is crucial to address the problem promptly. Make sure to provide the proper water and light for your fiddle leaf figs. Yellowing leaves on a fiddle leaf fig plant can be a sign of an underlying issue with light or water that needs attention. There are several factors, such as light and coffee, that can contribute to the phenomenon of plant growth. The presence of light and the consumption of coffee can have a positive effect on the development of plants, including fig leaves.

Firstly, the cause of the fiddle fig tree’s poor health could be environmental factors such as excessive heat or lack of light in the area where it is planted. These factors can greatly affect the tree’s growth and overall well-being. It is important to ensure that the fiddle fig tree is given the right amount of light and kept in a suitable temperature range to thrive. If the fiddle leaf fig plant is grown in a container, it may be at a higher risk of developing yellow leaves due to limited root space and nutrient availability.

Furthermore, seasonal changes, particularly during spring or fall, can also impact the coloration of plant leaves, including fig leaves. Changes in weather conditions and shorter daylight hours can affect the energy balance within the fiddle leaf fig plant.

To ensure your fiddle leaf fig plant stays healthy and vibrant, it is essential to identify and address the underlying causes of yellowing leaves promptly. In our upcoming blog post, we will delve deeper into these factors and provide practical tips on how to prevent and treat yellowing leaves in fiddle fig trees.

Causes of Yellow Fig Tree Leaves

Use of Pesticides and its Impact

Pesticides can fiddle with fig trees, despite their intended purpose of protecting plants from pests. When pesticides are used excessively or improperly, they can lead to yellowing leaves in plants, such as the fiddle leaf fig. These chemicals may disrupt the natural balance of nutrients in the soil and hinder the fiddle leaf fig plant’s ability to absorb essential minerals. To minimize the impact of pesticides on your fiddle leaf fig plant, it is advisable to explore safer alternatives such as organic pest control methods or integrated pest management techniques.

Factors Affecting Fig Tree Health: Light and Fertilizer

Why are the leaves of my fiddle leaf figs turning yellow in the fall? The yellowing may be due to a decrease in chlorophyll levels in the plants. It is important to provide adequate light for the plant to thrive and grow. The fiddle leaf fig, in particular, requires bright, indirect light to flourish. Insufficient sunlight exposure can result in yellowing fiddle leaf fig leaves as the plant struggles to produce enough energy through photosynthesis. Similarly, improper fertilizer application can also contribute to leaf discoloration in a fiddle plant. Why are the leaves of my fiddle leaf figs turning yellow in the fall? The yellowing may be due to a decrease in chlorophyll levels in the plants. So, don’t forget to fiddle with the fertilizer to keep your fig tree thriving.

Starvation and Nutrient Deficiency

Why are the leaves of my fiddle leaf figs turning yellow in the fall? The yellowing may be due to a decrease in chlorophyll levels in the plants. However, it’s important to note that the nutrition needs of fig trees are unique and specific. Providing the right balance of nutrients, such as nitrogen and potassium, is crucial for the health and growth of these trees. Neglecting their nutritional requirements can result in stunted growth or even the death of the tree. So, if you want your fig tree to fiddle along happily, make sure to give it the proper nutrition it needs. Signs of starvation in fig trees, also known as fiddle trees, include yellowing leaves that may eventually drop off prematurely. Common nutrient deficiencies that lead to yellow leaves in fiddle leaf fig plants include nitrogen, potassium, magnesium, and iron deficiencies. It is essential to provide a balanced nutrient mix tailored specifically for fig trees to prevent these deficiencies and maintain vibrant foliage.

Soil Acidity Levels

Soil acidity significantly impacts the overall health of a fig tree. Acidic soil can be a potential cause for yellowing leaves of the fiddle leaf fig as it affects the availability of vital nutrients for absorption by the roots. Balancing pH levels by adding lime or organic matter can help create an environment conducive to optimal leaf coloration and growth.

How to Fix Yellow Fig Tree Leaves

Checking Soil Acidity Levels

To address the issue of yellowing fig tree leaves, it’s essential to start by checking the acidity levels of the soil. You can determine soil acidity through methods like using a pH testing kit or sending a soil sample to a lab for analysis. For healthy fig tree foliage, the recommended pH range is between 6.0 and 6.5. If the soil pH is outside this range and affecting leaf color negatively, adjustments can be made by adding lime to raise pH or sulfur to lower it.

Essentials for Caring for Your Fig Tree

Proper care practices are crucial in maintaining vibrant, green foliage on your fig tree. Start by ensuring your fiddle leaf fig tree receives adequate watering, sunlight, and temperature conditions. Fig trees thrive best in well-draining soil that doesn’t become waterlogged but also doesn’t dry out completely between waterings. Providing sufficient sunlight exposure (at least six hours per day) and protecting your fiddle leaf fig tree from extreme temperatures will help prevent yellowing leaves.

Eliminating stressors that may contribute to yellowing leaves is another important aspect of caring for your fig tree. Stressors for fiddle leaf fig plants can include factors such as pests, diseases, improper pruning techniques, or inadequate nutrition. Regularly inspect your fiddle leaf fig tree for signs of pests or diseases and take appropriate measures to address them promptly.

Determining the Right Amount of Water

Watering plays a critical role in maintaining healthy leaf color on your fig tree. The frequency and quantity of watering depend on climate conditions and the specific needs of your fiddle leaf fig tree. In general, fig trees require deep watering once every week during dry periods. However, it’s important not to overwater the fiddle leaf fig as this can lead to root rot and yellowing leaves.

Signs indicating overwatered fig trees include wilting despite moist soil or yellowing leaves with brown spots. On the other hand, under-watered fig trees may exhibit wilting, leaf drop, or leaves turning yellow and crispy. To ensure proper irrigation, consider using drip irrigation or a soaker hose to deliver water directly to the tree’s roots.

Choosing the Best Fertilizer Type

Selecting the right fertilizer is crucial for maintaining healthy leaf color in your fig tree. Different types of fertilizers are suitable for fig trees, including organic options like compost or well-rotted manure, as well as synthetic fertilizers specifically formulated for fruit trees. Understanding your tree’s nutrient requirements is important when choosing a fertilizer.

Fig trees generally benefit from a balanced fertilizer formula with equal ratios of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K). This helps promote overall growth and foliage health. Consider conducting a soil test to determine any nutrient deficiencies and adjust your fertilizer application accordingly.

Preventing Yellow Fig Tree Leaves

Nutrient Deficiency and its Impact

Identifying specific nutrient deficiencies causing yellowing leaves can help restore the health of your fig tree. Certain essential nutrients, such as nitrogen, potassium, and iron, play a vital role in maintaining vibrant green foliage. When these nutrients are lacking, the leaves may turn yellow.

The effects of nutrient deficiency on overall tree health can be detrimental. Without an adequate supply of essential nutrients, the fig tree becomes weakened and more susceptible to diseases and pests. It is crucial to address any nutrient deficiencies promptly to ensure the tree’s vitality.

Supplementing deficient nutrients is key to restoring leaf color. Applying organic fertilizers or foliar sprays that contain the necessary elements can provide the tree with the nutrients it needs. Amending the soil with compost or well-rotted manure can improve its nutrient content and support healthy leaf growth.

Pest Attacks and their Effect

Common pests that attack fig trees, such as aphids, mites, and scale insects, can cause leaf discoloration. These pests feed on the sap of the leaves, depriving them of essential nutrients and causing them to turn yellow.

Recognizing signs of pest infestation on foliage is crucial for effective pest control. Look for tiny insects crawling on the undersides of leaves or sticky residue known as honeydew left behind by aphids or scale insects. Treating infested trees with insecticidal soaps or horticultural oils can help eliminate these pests and restore leaf color.

Implementing regular pest control measures is essential for healthier leaves. Regularly inspect your fig tree for signs of pests and take preventive measures such as pruning away infected branches or providing natural predators like ladybugs that feed on aphids.

Transplant Shock as a Cause

Transplant shock can have a significant impact on fig tree leaves turning yellow. When a fig tree undergoes transplantation, it experiences stress and disruption to its root system. This stress can lead to yellowing foliage as the tree struggles to establish itself in its new environment.

Understanding the impact of transplant shock is crucial for mitigating its effects on leaf health. Minimizing transplant shock can be achieved through proper techniques such as carefully handling the roots during transplantation, ensuring adequate watering, and providing temporary shade or protection from harsh sunlight.

Winter Effects on Fig Tree Leaves

Fig trees naturally respond to winter conditions by shedding their leaves. Leaf drop during colder months is a normal occurrence as the tree enters a dormant phase. It is important to differentiate between seasonal leaf loss and other causes of yellowing leaves.

While yellowing leaves may be concerning, they are often a result of natural processes rather than underlying issues with tree health. Providing proper care during winter, such as protecting the tree from frost and ensuring adequate moisture levels in the soil, can support healthy leaf regrowth in spring.

Impact of Excess Sunlight

Excessive sunlight exposure can harm fig trees and cause their leaves to turn yellow or brownish. When exposed to intense sunlight, the leaves may suffer from sunburn, resulting in discoloration.

To prevent sun damage and maintain healthy green foliage, provide shade or protection for your fig tree during periods of intense heat or prolonged sun exposure. This can be achieved by placing shade cloth over the tree or positioning it in an area that receives partial shade throughout the day.


In conclusion, yellow leaves on a fig tree can be caused by various factors, including overwatering, nutrient deficiencies, pests, and diseases. By identifying the underlying cause of the yellowing leaves, you can take appropriate steps to address the issue and restore the health of your fig tree. This may involve adjusting your watering schedule, providing proper nutrients through fertilization, implementing pest control measures, or seeking professional advice for disease management.

Remember to regularly inspect your fig tree for any signs of yellowing leaves and take prompt action to prevent further damage. With proper care and attention, you can ensure that your fig tree thrives and continues to provide you with delicious fruits for years to come. Happy gardening!


Why are the leaves of my fiddle leaf figs turning yellow in the fall? The yellowing may be due to a decrease in chlorophyll levels in the plants.

Fig tree leaves may turn yellow due to various reasons, such as overwatering, nutrient deficiencies, pest infestation, or exposure to extreme temperatures. It is essential to assess the watering schedule, provide adequate nutrients, inspect for pests, and ensure the tree is in a suitable environment.

How can I prevent my fiddle leaf figs from turning yellow? Fiddle leaf figs, like all plants, need chlorophyll to stay green and healthy. One way to help them is by using coffee grounds as a natural fertilizer.

To prevent yellowing of fig tree leaves, ensure proper watering by allowing the soil to dry out between waterings. Provide balanced nutrition through regular fertilization. Inspect the tree regularly for signs of pests and take appropriate measures to control them. Also, protect the tree from extreme temperatures by providing shade or insulation.

What should I do if my fiddle leaf fig tree leaves turn yellow? Yellowing leaves on fiddle leaf figs can be a sign of chlorophyll deficiency or root rot.

If your fig tree’s leaves turn yellow, first assess its watering schedule and adjust accordingly. Check for nutrient deficiencies and provide appropriate fertilization. Inspect the tree for pests and treat them if necessary. Ensure that it is not exposed to extreme temperatures. If problems persist, consult a local horticulturist or arborist for further guidance.

Can overwatering cause yellowing of fig tree leaves?

Yes, overwatering can lead to yellowing of fig tree leaves as it causes root rot and deprives the roots of oxygen. This condition prevents proper nutrient uptake by the plant, resulting in leaf discoloration. It is crucial to maintain a well-draining soil and allow it to dry out before watering again.

Are there any specific diseases that cause fiddle leaf fig tree leaves to turn yellow? Yellowing leaves in fiddle leaf figs can be caused by diseases such as root rot.

Yes, several diseases can cause fig tree leaves to turn yellow, such as fungal infections like rust or powdery mildew. These diseases often manifest as discolored spots or powdery growth on the foliage. Regularly inspect your fig tree for signs of disease and promptly treat with appropriate fungicides if necessary.